N A Z S O L A R & E L E C T R I C A L S


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Nana Naz Solar & Electrical Solutions Welcomes You

Since from 2000

We Are Experts In The World Of Solar Energy & Electrical Engineering

We drive the transition to more sustainable, reliable & affordable energy systems. With our innovative technologies, we energize society, that’s our aim!

Products & Solutions

Our Services

Solar Installation Services

With solar power, you get total independence from any power company. The power from the sun will always be free, all you need is a Smart Solar system and you’re set. Now that's a good investment.

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EV Charging Stations

Our mission is to change the world through green technology; providing energy independence, driving a sustainable future and saving our customers money on their energy bills. Together we can create a kinder, more sustainable future..

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Inspection & Testing

We offer Inspection and Testing of existing properties, Installation Certificate for new electrical installations and Minor Installation certificate for alterations of already existing systems

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Electrical Installation Services

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Lithium Iron Phosphate Batteries

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Repairs & Maintenance

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Since from 2000

Why you Chose us


Project Work Flow Process

As the world continues its journey to net zero, solar energy continues to be a key weapon in the renewable energy development arsenal. Global support for renewable energy development shows no sign of slowing down – due to a variety of factors including global warming, energy security and rising costs – with continued investment from governments and private industry in renewables technology. This is why we are proud to be key partners in these processes.

Preliminary Assessments

First step in the development of our solar installation project is to conduct preliminary assessments. These involve whether the project is domestic, commercial or industrial

Site Selection

Site selection is crucial in the development of any utility-scale solar project. When scouting for a suitable site, it’s important to remember: An ideal site or rooftop should have an abundance of solar radiation, meaning it receives ample sunlight throughout the day without The site should be easily accessible for construction equipment and have suitable terrain for the solar panels and other equipment

Feasibility Studies

We usually conduct feasibility studies of the project (field or building) to evaluate its economic viability, which includes economic analysis as well.
Our feasibility studies involve:
- financial analysis
- technical analysis
- Environmental impact analysis

Design & Engineering

Once preliminary steps including site selection and solar resource assessment have been carried out, system design and engineering can begin. This phase involves developing a plan that takes into account the site's physical and technical characteristics. These involve the following: - quality component selection - solar panel angle and orientation (direction) - electrical and structural design -

Construction & Installation

This phase is where the physical solar panels and equipment are installed on-site and connected to the power grid. It includes several key steps that require careful planning and execution. These comprise of the following: - site preparation - components installation - electrical wirings and connections - Quality control and inspection -system performance testing -safety compliance -final inspection - operation and maintenance - monitoring system performance -preventive maintenance - reactive maintenance and repairs


Power Your Life With Sunshine

We drive the transition to more sustainable, reliable & affordable energy systems.
With our innovative technologies, we energize society, that’s our aim!

+44 7946558692

Solar Installation
Our Client Reviews

What People Say About Us

Mr Adams Abdallah BANDA

15kW Solar in Accra, Ghana

Sheikh Anas Tawfiq Bakri

5kW solar & electrical re-wiring

Mr Alpha Hussain

5kW + 10kW Solar on pergolas
0 +
Project Completed
0 +
Expert Consultants
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Happy Clients
0 +
5 Stars Rating
Our Packages & Price

Pricing Plan for you

We’d be delighted to give you a full proposal and cost price to install solar at your home. To do this, we’ll talk to you first and assess your energy usage. We’ll then work out how many panels you might need to cover your average household bill and also let you know if you might benefit from a solar battery. The cost of a solar system will vary from household to household. This is because of differences in energy consumption, roof space, and personal preferences for solar panels.

Expert Team Members

Our Leadership


Nazir A. Tchelenon

Solar Engineer

Mohammed A. Salam

Special Advsor/Consultant

Ibrahim Anyars


Best Solution For Your Home Service

Nana Naz design team covers all the fundamental requirements of an international standard solar electric system. We engage the client and work hand in hand with them to consider budgets and specification for system components that generate direct current electricity, convert the power into alternating current that can be used by home appliances, store excess electricity into battery backups to maintain uninterruptible electricity. These supply components usually include solar panels, mounting racks, DC disconnect/combiner boxes, inverters, battery pack, power meter, utility meter, kilowatt meter and charge controller. We work with international brands such as Rosen Solar and MPP Solar, Anern. myenergi etc. These inputs and our approach to designing power system: lead to quality service delivery that meet and exceed our clients’ expectations.

mproving The Performance Of Solar Energy.

Discover Independence Through The Power Of Solar Energy

We offer products, solutions, and services across the entire energy value chain. We support our customers with affordable energy systems. Learn more by contact us


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